Hughie Fury will be without his father and trainer for world title fight in New Zealand

Hughie Fury

HUGHIE FURY’S father and trainer, Peter Fury, has been denied permission to enter New Zealand for the unbeaten heavyweight’s May 6 fight with WBO world champion Joseph Parker.

Immigration New Zealand confirmed that they had declined Peter’s entry on “character grounds” due to past drug convictions he served in the UK.

Despite the blow to Hughie’s preparations, Duco Events – Parker’s promoters, who will stage the show in Auckland – have moved to confirm that the fight is still going ahead as planned.

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"Mr Fury was ineligible for a visa unless granted a special direction," the statement from Immigration New Zealand said.

"His case was fully considered and all representations submitted on Mr Fury's behalf were taken into account before a decision was made to decline his request for a special direction."

Peter is reported to have applied for "special direction", submitting character references along with having lawyers work on his behalf.

Though Peter has served the punishments for his offences and since proven himself a leading trainer in world boxing by guiding Tyson Fury to the top of the heavyweight pile, his criminal record has hampered his ability to travel.

He was unable to be in the corner for Tyson's 2013 win over Steve Cunningham in America, and had to watch the contest while in Canada.

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