Michael Conlan (Featherweight contender)
As a one-off I didn’t mind it. I actually enjoyed the buildup. But the fight itself? Not so much. Would I enjoy it becoming a regular thing? Definitely not. Boxing isn’t a circus. It’s a serious business and this sort of thing could start making it a joke. There is big money in these high-profile celebs fighting – but don’t call it boxing.
Andy Clarke (Boxing commentator)
If any emerge of genuine professional standard then fine. But these current characters are dangerously deluded if they think that’s where they’re at. KSI and Logan Paul talked a lot of big talk in the build-up about their ability levels and then couldn’t even remotely walk the walk. Watching it, I actually felt a bit sorry for them.
Kieran Farrell (Trainer, manager and promoter)
I personally don’t mind. I think any positive attention towards boxing is a plus for the sport. However, labelling them ‘pro’ is a bit disrespectful to actual professionals in my opinion.
Cherrelle Brown (Super-lightweight prospect)
Pro boxing is a business and business is about making as much money as possible. However, this idea does scare me. I wonder if all the training I do is irrelevant and my success will now be based on whether I have enough followers or not. It’s okay as a one-off to reach different audiences but if a regular occurrence it takes away from the sport.