Sam Maxwell gunning for Ohara Davies fight

Sam Maxwell

Are you hoping to fight Ohara Davies sooner rather than later?

I’m mostly just being vocal about it because I can see myself at that level with them level of opponents whether it’s Ohara or whether it’s someone else in Britain that’s that level so it doesn’t harm me to try and build it because it is a fight that I could get in by the end of 2019, so I can start getting my mind thinking about you know what does that make me feel like, how I would box him and stuff like that.

Do you feel like you’ve been underrated so far as a pro?

I’m biding my time and I hope like Frank [Warren] says, this is going to be my year anyway. The champions I respect, like Callum [Smith], he doesn’t say much. He just gets in the ring and dominates. That’s all you need, talent. Talent comes through so I’m hoping that’s the same case for me.

The level of opponents I’m fighting, I hit them and they go down, just being realistic. But hopefully this year I’m going to have a step up.

Being a good amateur doesn’t always mean you’re going to be a good pro. But just looking at the GB squad that’s coming through and they’re pros now, it’s great to watch and I can see from when I was on the squad with them I feel like I’m the same level as them and they are superstars now and coming up to massive fights. So it gives me a bit of belief thinking yet that I rate myself in the same echelon as these prospects, these top lads so hopefully I get my chance to show that.

sam maxwell

In the amateurs you beat Joe Cordina and Josh Kelly?

I’ve got wins over them so hopefully I get the chance to show my talent this year. I’m 30 now. This year and next year are going to be big years for me and it looks like Frank is going to give me my chance. I’ve just got to take it and go with it.

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