Myth buster: The three key parts of weight management

Scott Quigg

THE fourth key role of the strength and conditioning coach is the area of weight management. Whilst in this series of articles it may be the last, in terms of itโ€™s importance, weight management is by no means the least.

Boxing like all other combat sports is a weight dependent sport, and making weight is a delicate and fine art. Done incorrectly, the results can be catastrophic. Yet if the weight management process is handled correctly, the fighter can gain a sizeable advantage over their opponent.

Extreme methods of making weight are still commonplace amongst many boxers which is extremely worrying. Methods such as severe dehydration, extreme caloric reduction and mass overload of training are a daily occurrence. Not only is this scientifically proven to effect performance on fight night, clear evidence shows that extreme techniques of making weight can also put the health of a boxer in jeopardy.

As we know a boxing bout is 12 x 3 minute rounds which will test the fitness and endurance of the fighter to the limit. With that in mind making weight has to be a careful, planned and patient process, and is a major role that should be managed by the strength and conditioning coach.

So how do you get it right? Here are three key processes. Click below to read on.

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