THE influence of boxing extends far beyond those who play an active role in the sport. The lifestyle of a top-level fighter – and the fitness, focus and discipline it engenders – is hugely attractive to anyone with ambition. The qualities found in elite boxers – and the tangible results they get – are especially relevant to gym-goers, whether they are looking to improve their conditioning, lose weight, tone up or achieve one of the myriad other goals targeted by users of such facilities. In that regard, it is vital these people have qualified coaches to teach them the rudiments of preparation for boxing and to explain how they can adapt these skills to their own training.

It was with this objective – using the sport we love to help others – that Boxing News Active launched our Total Fight Training Masterclasses. Total Fight Training is, of course, the name of our first BN Active bookazine (available in stores now, see the front cover embedded in this article) and its tenets are embodied by the Masterclasses that take its name. The day-long courses are for fitness enthusiasts and personal trainers (who receive eight REPs points) and teaches them, among other things, advanced pad work drills, strength and conditioning for fighters, nutritional planning and fighter testing. It also features an extended Q&A with a high-level boxer. We kicked things off with our expert trainer, proceedings last week in Wembley, and none other than WBA super-bantamweight champion Scott Quigg setting the bar high for Q&A subjects. The event was such a success, we plan to stage another three TFT Masterclasses next year. Everyone who attended the first one had a great time.

“Attending the Masterclass was a real eye-opener,” says Lucy Pinto, a personal trainer and the Art Editor for Health and Fitness magazine. “As a trained PT and fitness instructor I wanted to gauge why boxing as a fitness tool is becoming more and more popular, especially for women.

“Meeting Ric Moylan was a dream, his cool manner and to-the-point training techniques meant I left with a new head of knowledge to transfer to my clients.

“Also the Q&A session with Scott Quigg really showed what dedication can get you.

I can’t wait for the next Masterclass.” As Lucy alludes to, Quigg proved a superb role model for the class, but as the boxer himself points out, he was as influenced by the students as they were by him.

“Anyone who wants to learn and is willing to invest money in that, to put the work in to better themselves, is an inspiration to me,” Quigg, who defends his title for the second time on the November 23 Carl Froch-George Groves show, explains. “There was one guy who, in 16 months his life totally changed. He got married, but his wife got cancer – it’s horrible – and they had a little boy, but then his wife passed away. As he was telling me, I was filling up, yet he was so strong and positive. He’s not felt sorry for himself, he’s picked up as well as he can, he’s looking after his boy; if his wife’s looking down she’ll be very proud.”

Each individual undoubtedly had their own reasons for attending and they all seemed to benefit from the course. This is, in essence, what BN Active is all about: distilling parts of the sport into instructional, easy-to-follow advice that everyone can learn from.The next Masterclass is likely to be in February, in the Midlands this time. We hope to see you there.


  • Boxing News would like to thank Lifestyle Fitness for allowing us the use of their gym and for being so helpful on the day itself.

Ric Moylan, taking charge of RIC’S BIG FIVE Coach Moylan’s take-home trainer lessons from the Masterclass.


This is a fundamental and essential rule for becoming a successful trainer and coach. If you do not believe or show a passion for the training you are delivering then it will become apparent in your delivery. As an athlete you need to believe you are the best there is and you are in essence ‘untouchable’. Beliefs can be passed on through the use of the planned sessions.


As with any form of high-level competition, times can be tough and there is no easy way of gaining the success you need without giving it your all. This same desire and will power should still be replicated in the realms of safety in each training session. A successful training session needs to be a replication of the competition which is forthcoming. Therefore, in training sessions, all distractions, such as mobile phones, should be switched off, and 100 per cent focus should be on the training tasks at hand.


A common mistake many trainers and even top-level trainers make is that the training is about themselves and showing other people how good they are. This is far from what you as a trainer should be doing. Your sessions need to be clientbased and about helping them achieve the best results possible and helping them become the best they can become.


‘If you are not testing you are guessing.’ This is a statement I stand by, whether it’s training athletes or training clients. Tests prove your results and show what progress your athlete or client is making; this can act as a confidence booster. If your athlete or client feels that they are not progressing as much as they should, the results don’t lie. Previous test results also act as future targets for your athlete or client to aim for.


Planning and preparation is vital in any aspect of your life, whether it be sport, work or hobbies. If you are not planning your sessions correctly for your clients you will be making them up on the spot and while this may allow you to skate by for one or two sessions, in the long run your incompetence will become apparent to your clients and fellow PTs.

*For training information and workouts from some of the biggest names in combat sport don’t miss the Fighting Fit: Train like the Stars special*

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