Get Manny Pacquiao’s speed

MANNY PACQUIAO is known for his trademark speed. We will be looking at some methods that can help you reach Manny Pacquiao’s speed โ€“ Pacman Speed.

boxing science - pacman speed

The Science Behind The Punch

Essentially, Impulse is the amount of force developed in a short space of time. This is often called theย rate of force development, important contributor to running, jumping and throwing performance, as well asโ€ฆ yeah you guessed it,ย PUNCH FORCE.

In boxing, itโ€™s the one who hits harder at a faster speed is often the winner, wouldnโ€™t you agree? Well, impulse is a major contributor to that!

Manny ways to get quicker

Excuse the pun, I couldnโ€™t resist.

It is not just simple โ€œmove weights quickerโ€, you need to approach it from different angles. There are many ways that we can train impulse, whether it is for upper, lower or whole body movements. At Combat Conditioning, we structure our programs based on theย Force-Velocityย continuum.

boxing science - force-velocity curve

The curve shows an inverse relationship between force and velocity. This means the heavier the weight you lift (force), the slower you lift it (velocity); conversely, the lighter a weight, the faster you lift it.

The picture above shows the different types of training that occur at different points of the force-velocity curve. Maximum strength is at the top with high force, low velocity movements to speed training with low force, high velocity. The video below shows the range of exercises we use atย Combat Conditioning:

A video posted by Danny Wilson (@wilson_sc91) on

Shift the curve to the right

So how does this help boxers?

The desired effect for developing impulse is to shift the force-velocity curve to the right. This means you have to train all the different training types for the curve to keep shape, just train one type then you will lose the shape of the curve.

Furthermore, train all these different training types simultaneously will affect the rate of adaptation for your athlete.

Therefore, shifting the curve to the right and creating an explosive boxer requires structuring of the different training types usingย periodisation.

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