IT was the age of the hippies and I was travelling around Asia. The other travellers were growing beards and their hair and taking drugs. I was keeping my mind clear, my clothes clean and my hair short. The reason? I wanted to look respectable when I met my idol, Muhammad Ali. It was March 1972 and I was in Tokyo.
Ali was there, too. He was scheduled to fight Mac Foster. Heโd lost over 15 rounds to Joe Frazier 12 months before but had won three fights since then. I couldnโt rest knowing that Ali was so close. But he was surrounded by reporters from all over the world. Who was I? A nobody. A young traveller with just my backpack for company.
One day I had an idea. Journalists work late into the night and by the early morning โ when boxers generally do their roadwork โ theyโre fast sleep. If I wanted to talk to Ali, I realised my best chance was to try and find him in the morning. At 3am I took a taxi to Otani Hotel, the most luxurious hotel in Tokyo. On the way, as we drove through the cityโs deserted streets, all I could think about was Muhammad Ali. This might be my only chance to meet him, I had to get it right.
I walked into the lobby, doing my best to look like a businessman. Or at the very least, respectable enough to not get thrown out straight away. Then I saw him. Ali appeared wearing those big boots he used to wear for his roadwork, a hooded training suit and he was covered in sweat. He had already finished his morning run. I darted over to him. I explained that I had some questions for him. He looked me up and down and smiled.
โYou ainโt asking me nothing until Iโve showered and had some breakfastโฆ then maybe we can talk,โ he said. So I waited.
Ali returned, the sweat from his run washed away and the tracksuit replaced with smarter attire. He sat down to breakfast with his trainer, Angelo Dundee, and a young Japanese woman. Also there, but not at the same table, was Aliโs parents who looked up from their food from time to time to smile at their famous son. I waited again.
Ali strolled past me and I got up and followed him. He performed a magic trick with three pieces of rope and used them to illustrate a story he was telling about an old school teacher, who had informed young Ali he would amount to nothing in adulthood. I started my tape recorder and sat next to him. After a few minutes he told me turn off the tape recorder. โYou donโt need that. This is not part of the interview.โ Eventually we started talking about boxing, about Johnny Coulon, the former world bantamweight champion. I turned on my tape recorder again and this time Ali did not object.
Do you follow boxing historyโฆ do you know the name Sam Langford, for instance?
Oh yeah. An old time fighter. He didnโt get a break. In the era he was livinโ, it was hard on blacks. In those days it was real rough.
Are they rough now too?
Not really. Itโs rough if you make it rough. We who are Muslims, under the watch of Elijah Muhammad, we have it easy because we are free mentally. We are no longer Christians, we no longer call ourselves negroes, weโre Muslims. Now weโre citizens of 800-million Muslims on the planet, Iโve been to Mecca and recognised all the kings. So thereโs no trouble when youโre free, when you pray to Allah. When youโre a Muslim you have a home in every country on earth. I have places to eat, places to stay. Just today I was invited by the government of Indonesia to visit and a place called Morocco. Both governments have invited me.
I have just got back from Saudi Arabia. I have a home in Riyadh, that King Faiselโs son gave me, Prince Faisel. Itโs true that being popular has helped me but anybody from America who becomes Muslim under the leadership of Elijah Muhammad becomes free all of a sudden. So for blacks who are Muslim, thereโs no problem. For those who are not, there are problems.
What does your religion say about violence?
We donโt believe in violence, the word Islam means peace. Muslim means entire submission to the will of God. We strip ourselves of weapons. We donโt think violence is the solution to no problem unless itโs a holy war or something declared by Allah, the divine supreme being. He fights our battles with nature in the way he sees fit.
We have nothing to do with violence, especially when it comes to the black people and the white people of America because thereโs not enough black people to even think of violence. They donโt manufacture no weapons, donโt control no jet aeroplanes, donโt make no bombs; it would be a total mismatch. It would be like you jumping in the ring with me trying to win, you wouldnโt have a chance. So weโre not that ignorant. We donโt even thinkโฆ we donโt even consider a physical confrontation with America or nobody, weโre peaceful.
But Allah fights the battles. Heโs got ways of doing it with nature: tornados; droughts; hurricanes; disasters and anything can happen when God himself is moving.
But what about your boxing then? Isnโt that a kind of violence?
Well, itโs not the action that makes a thing right or wrong, itโs the purpose behind the action. You see, I could kill a man today, being violent, then kill a man tomorrow and the same judge will send [sentence] me up for death for the man I killed today but not for the man I killed yesterday. Why? Because the purpose for killing the first man was because he was in my house, in my bed, with my wife. I donโt get a day in jail for that. The other man I killed was over an argument over our beliefs, then I go to jail. The judge has to decide โwhy did he kill?โ. Itโs the purpose that makes it right or wrong. My purpose in boxing is not to kill. My purpose is not to hurt. Thatโs why Iโm criticised for not knocking out James Ellis [better known as Jimmy Ellis, Aliโs stablemate who he stopped in 12 rounds in 1971] when I could have hurt him. Buster Mathis, I could have probably killed him. Fighters can have brain concussions. One died not long ago, George Chuvaloโs sparring partner. I think the best precaution is if you see the man in trouble, if you see youโve got the man unconscious, why pound him and beat him until the referee stops it just to please the crowd?
Iโm justified by God himself, Allah, because my heart and my purpose is not to kill. In war, in violence, the purpose is to kill. Mama killed, daddy killed, baby killed. Use machine guns, use bombs, use fire, use poison. In boxing we have a referee, we have doctors. The roughest thing we have in boxing is the gloves โ if war and violence was the same as boxing there would not be deaths because all we use is padded gloves.
When we look at it and break it down scientifically, we find out beyond a shadow of a doubt there is no way you can compare boxing with violence unless your intention is to be violent, if your intention is to inflict harm and create pain and blood. It is up to the man and his motive and his purpose. My purpose is not to hurt or to kill, itโs just a sport and thatโs the way I box. Beautiful, fast, class, rhythm, dancing and art. My boxing is no way considered with violence because I donโt make it that way.
Has your attitude towards your sport changed since you became a Muslim? Were you thinking in another way before that?
Yeah. I get a man [opponent] and I tried to kill him. If heโd have died it wouldnโt have made no difference but now I couldnโt live with myself if I killed somebody just for a sport event. If they died and it brought grief to their family and their children and I had something to do with that just to please a bloodthirsty crowd. Iโm too civilised for that. In the barbaric days they did that in Rome, they let two men kill each other while everyone drank wine and watched it. Thatโs silly. Iโm not that angry with nobody that I want to kill them.
What about your fights with Ernie Terrell and Floyd Patterson [Ali was accused of โcarryingโ Terrell and Patterson because they refused to address him as Muhammad Ali]? If you look back how do you regard those fights?
[Sighs] Oh those were two of them who called me Cassius Clay, they didnโt want to call me Muhammad Ali. I just punished them, I didnโt hurt them, I just gave them a good whupping.
If a future foe acted in the same way would you act in the sameโฆ
[Interrupting] Yeah, same, same punishment. Iโd give them a good holy whupping. A religious and divine whupping. Iโd chastise them.
Has the attitude of your opponents changed? You are accepted now but you were not some years ago.
Yes, because the things I did then were not popular [at the time]. But theyโre common today. Everybody is believing it and doing it. Same with the drafts, the black power movement and everything that I do, most black people are doing now. People are changing their names. Lou Alcindor [Kareem Abdul-Jabbar], the great basketball player, LeRoy Jones [Amiri Baraka], the civil rights leader are starting to change their names now to African names. I was just about eight years ahead of my time so they all see now that I was right.
You lost a lot of money because you were eight years ahead of the others [embracing his religion and refusing to fight in Vietnam resulted in Ali fighting outside of America and subsequently being banned from the sport for three years]. Do you regret that?
No, Iโm making it all back now. Iโm making more money now, and fighting more regular than I did then. Thatโs really made me more popular, more greater.
You donโt consider the loss when youโre fighting for your life or your family or your freedom or your religion or God. Then the money means nothing. Even life and death means nothing. So we donโt consider the loss [because] weโre doing it from the heart and weโre doing it for what we want to do. If we do it for profit then it ainโt from the heart. If we worry about what we lose, then we didnโt do it from the heart.
For me, it was not a loss. It was a delight and a pleasure to stand up against power for my black people and my God and against the slave society in America. It was an honour and Iโd do it 10 more times. Iโm just sorry itโs over and Iโm still not fighting it. I have nothing to do now but I like the idea of standing up for my freedom and the poor black slave people. So I love it, it ainโt no loss. America loses 40 or 50 million dollars a day in Vietnam but she donโt say thatโs a loss, she says itโs a matter of principle. So whatโs a few dollars to free the black folks? They ainโt free yet. All the Vietnam fighting, all the Japanese, the Koreans, Germans fighting, the negroes still ainโt free and the same Vietcong can go where negroes canโt go after the war. I ainโt given up a damn thing, I couldnโt give up enough. My life wouldnโt be enough. So it ainโt no loss when you think like that. Itโs for 30-million black people in America so it canโt be enough. America fights and spends millions to free other nations, and kill their own and black people to free other nations โ so whatโs a few dollars for the poor negroes, for our fight?
You lost the world heavyweight title. Do you regret that?
No, I havenโt lost the title either. Itโs a strange thing. Joe Frazier makes 150-thousand dollars for his fights and I get 300-thousand. He draws as much as six-thousand people and I draw 40, 50-thousand. Here [against Mac Foster in Tokyo] Iโll draw about 14-thousand. Joe Frazier, in the two fights since I fought him, heโs been seen on home television, itโs cheap. My fights are going to be bounced across the world where you have pay to come in. Thereโs no comparison. Joe Frazier has had two fights [since we fought] and this will be my fourth. Next month Iโm fighting Chuvalo in Vancouver, that will be my fifth fight, and all the people Iโm fighting are more popular and higher ranked than the two people [Terry Daniels and Ron Stander].
Iโm the champion of the people, the champion of the physical world. Iโm the first fighter to fight in the Middle East who can attract these people. Iโm the first one to box an exhibitions throughout Arabia โ Riyadh, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Syria, Lebanon โ and Iโm the first one to be recognised in the real world, Iโm fighting all over the world, Iโm going to Vancouver to Russia to China. Iโm the first real world champion who has actually been in these countries doing something. Most of them just recognise the white countries, like England and Germany. Theyโre [just] in Ring Magazine or boxing books but Iโve gone way past boxing. Movie companies from Japan and all around the world are following me doing interviewsโฆ
What Iโm trying to say is I whupped Frazier physically, he went to hospital for one month and the world know it, they saw me win nine [of 15 rounds] but they gave it [the decision] him because Iโm a Muslim. They gave it him because I didnโt go to Vietnam, I was still fighting that. The world see it and theyโve proved it because Iโm employed and Joe Frazier is unemployed.
I will be recognised again on paper, as you say, when I get him next time because next time I am going to annihilate him.
What do you mean by that?
Destroy him. Beat him until the people knows that Iโm the winner.
You are very anxious to fight him.
No, not really. Heโs more anxious to fight me because he ainโt making no money and heโs losing popularity. Everywhere he goes people donโt believe heโs champion, they keep bringing up my name and they donโt recognise him and they keep saying I won and he wonโt be recognised until heโs whupped me twice. So heโs more anxious to whup me because you have to beat the champion twice before youโre recognised. I had to beat Sonny Liston twice. Floyd Patterson had to beat Ingemar Johansson three timesโฆ
Yeah. People donโt go for it, especially when itโs close. Frazier is gonna have to whup me decisively to believe him.
What went wrong last time?
Two more minutes and Iโve got to let you goโฆ I just played last time. I didnโt play like I should. I won nine rounds and I lost six, I still won the fight but I played with him for three rounds. I just stood there and let him throw punches just to show that he couldnโt hurt me, I didnโt dance and move around like I should. I was in good shape physically but I wasnโt right mentally. Next time Iโll be more serious and Iโll get in better shapeโฆ I gotta let you go, manโฆ
Listen to the original recording of the interview here: