When will boxing resume in the UK and other questions

WITH the current COVID-19 pandemic, we recognise that professional sport is not the most important issue. Public health and safety is everyoneโ€™s top priority and the British Boxing Board of Control is taking Government advice so that we can best advise all our licence holders.

All our licence holders are advised to keep regular checks of the latest Government guidance on: Staying at home; only going outside for essential food, work and health reasons; staying two metres apart from other people; washing hands regualry.

Weโ€™re aware these points will have been drummed into you already, but worthy of a reminder nonetheless, particularly when weโ€™re all keen for normality to return as quickly as possible.

  • When will professional Boxing resume in the U.K?

The BBB of C has suspended all professional boxing shows under its supervision until the end of May, by which time this decision will be reviewed.

There is now legislation in place to ban public gatherings. These restrictions apply to all sport events. At present, we do not know how long the restrictions on sport will be in place.

We recognise that licence holders will want to prepare for restrictions being lifted and sport resuming. We are working on advice to help you do so when this point is reached.

  • Can I still train during this period?


Lots of exercise can be done at home.  Please follow the Government advice on exercising outside of your home: www.gov.uk/coronavirus

  • How do I look after my mental wellbeing?

Stay active and continue to train from home. Eat a well-balanced diet that includes all major food groups. Keep well hydrated. Keep your water bottle clean and don’t share with others. Make sure you get enough good quality sleep.

If you feel your mental wellness is worsening and you are struggling then self-help resources that may be helpful at www.mind.org.uk

  • Will there be restrictions in place once professional boxing resumes?

Currently we do not know when restrictions will be lifted. Restrictions may be lifted in phases. Important points to consider: There may be restrictions in place on venues that have been non-operational for a period of time; Even when restrictions are lifted, the ongoing work for our BBB of C medical officers and ambulance crews in their NHS roles will continue for some time; This may affect the number of shows we can supervise and your patience in this will be required; There may be a requirement for COVID-19 testing of officials and licence holders; There may be crowd restrictions.

We will continue to follow the government and medical authorities advice and keep the situation under review. When possible, we will explore all options available to find a way of permitting boxing to return when it is safe to do so.

We would like to re-emphasise that our thoughts are with everyone affected by COVID-19.

Please stay home and stay safe.

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