VIDEO Watch Floyd Mayweather train

Floyd Mayweather

AS if fans hadnโ€™t suffered an interminable five year long wait for the fight of the century, Floyd Mayweather versus Manny Pacquiao, they had an additional two hours to endure waiting for Mayweather to appear at his public workout on Tuesday (April 14). Manny Pacquiao duly took to Twitter to promise to be on time for his public workout tonight.

Superstars of course tend to operate on their own timeframe. But finally Floyd took to the ring for his familiar routine on the pads with his uncle and one of his trainers, Roger Mayweather. Floyd tapped light punches into the mitts, building up his rhythmn, crossing his arms, dipping beneath a hook.ย Without pause he moved straight on to working a body belt strapped to an assistant, striking with hard rights before jogging out of the ring over to a green and gold hanging bag. A quick pit stop to change his gloves and he set to harder work on the heavy bag. Jabs flickered in and he cracked in crosses as well as hefty hooks off either hand.

About half an hour into the workout, he returned to padwork with Roger Mayweather, twisting in uppercuts and hooks, faster now. He shifted back from his trainerโ€™s jab, practiced blocking shots before coming back easily with combinations. He began to smack hard, punishing rights into the pad and then slipped and shifted beneath shots. He finished up on the mitts jabbing high and then resumed work on the body belt, with his father and head trainer Floyd Mayweather Snr looking on. His hands looked fast as he mixed in heavier blows and Mayweather finished up loose and limber sinking hooks into the bag, doubling up jabs as he moved round it.

He beat out a tattoos on the speed ball, carried out quick sets of abdominal exercises alternating between them as the throng of journalists and photographers clustered around him.

Watch Floyd Mayweather finally step into the ring here:


Estimated start timeย 6:00 p.m. ET / 3:00 p.m. PT / 11:00 pm GMT

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