Top 5 delicious cheat recipes to start the new year

AS the festive period endures and swings into 2018, the temptation to indulge in a range of sweets and chocolates is everpresent in a boxerโ€™s celebrations. However, if a boxer overindulges during this festive period it means that they will in fact undo much of the hard work they have put into training over the previous weeks/months as well as making the weight-making process even more difficult if they are fighting early in the New Year. With this being said the festive period should not mean that you have to strictly follow an unappealing diet but substituting the sweets and chocolates with alternative healthier, homemade snacks and drinks may in fact cure the sweet cravings associated with this time of year.

Below I provide five simple, health homemade snacks and drinks that represent alternatives to Christmas junk foods.

Next: Item 1 of 5 โ€“ Black Forest gateau smoothie

Marc Fell BSc (hons), MSc
Twitter: @MarcFell1

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