TIM BRADLEY has dismissed Brandon Rios’ chances of upsetting him on November 7.
“Rios can bring on the pressure all night long and we will deal with it. We are prepared for intense pressure. The only chance Rios has is a lucky punch and that’s not going to happen. Teddy Atlas brought in two sparring partners who have put pressure on me every single second for the last three weeks. Rios is living on a prayer and he knows it,” Bradley said.
“I don’t care what Rios is doing in his camp. I am only concerned about what I am going to do on fight night. I am absolutely, totally focused. I am not the same fighter I was before.”
Bradley has parted ways with long-term trainer Joel Diaz and will now have Teddy Atlas in his corner. “When Teddy came to camp he challenged me, not what I could do physically, but my mental aspect of fighting,” Bradley explained. โจโจ”When Teddy came to camp he took a book of images of certain rounds I had fought previously. There were notes about what I did right and what I did wrong. No trainer of mine has ever prepared for a fight like Teddy has for me against Rios.
Atlas added, “We looked at a lot of video of Rios to take a look at how he moves and his tendencies. We are not concerned about what is happening in the Rios camp because I’ve seen fighters have bad camps and fight well and have seen fighters who had great camps not perform on fight night.
“Tim did his job to prepare for Rios. He knows what it takes and what we have to do to win on November 7. Tim is ready to fight. We both know what needs to be done – total focus for 12 complete rounds – to win this fight.”
Bradley concluded, “My game plan is to stay totally focused for 36 minutes of fighting. Rios fights hard, is relentless, can endure pain and look for one shot to hurt me. I want this fight badly. I plan to keep it in control my way. Teddy is full of wisdom. Together we are going to win this big fight.”