The Big Question: If you had to recommend one boxing film for people to watch right now, what would it be and why?

Callum Johnson (Light-heavyweight contender)

It would be Rocky 4 if I could only choose one because it’s my personal favourite. Not only is it a great boxing movie, the songs are great as well.

Kieran Farrell (Trainer, manager and promoter)

For kids, I’d say Rocky. You can’t go wrong with Rocky. It has inspired and continues to inspire a lot of people to try boxing. For adults, though, I’d definitely say Journeyman. That’s a top boxing film and a story very close to my heart.

Miles Shinkwin (Former English light-heavyweight champion)

Rocky 4. Love the training camp, love the ring entrances and love the fight. Watching it for the first time you never think Rocky’s going to win.

Gareth A. Davies (Journalist)

Double-sitting. Lunchtime: Raging Bull. Intense, brutal, compelling. Robert De Niro at his very finest and an epic tale from Jake LaMotta’s memoir. The milieu of LaMotta’s life in the 40s and 50s, put to screen by Martin Scorsese, captured the brutality of life back then, and the prevalence of boxing in American life. Early evening: Hilary Swank in Million Dollar Baby.  

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