SAM SHEEDY and Liam Cameron will clash in a big local derby on Saturday at Ponds Forge Arena in Sheffield, where Sheedy defends his Commonwealth middleweight title and the champion believes that it will be him walking away with his hand raised in victory.
The two have traded barbs ever since the fight was first discussed on social media and Sheedy has accused his cross-city rival of being lazy and ill-disciplined and he is hoping to send him packing into retirement.
The 29-year-old won the belt in April when he overcame Abolaji Rasheed by unanimous decision at Bramall Lane and he is adamant that Cameron has no chance of ripping the prestigious title from his grasp on Friday.
Sheedy, 18-2 with 4 KO’s, told Boxing News: “I’m as close to 100% as you can be going into a fight like this and I will prove that I’m the best middleweight in Sheffield. You always pick up little niggles here and there, but I can honestly say, this is the best I’ve been in and it comes perfectly in time for a local derby.
“Liam is old and he is lazy. You can tell he’s lazy as he has fluctuated in weight from light-middle right up to light-heavy in his career and that is because he lacks any sort of discipline. He’d rather pick up a cream bun than an apple and he’s already claimed this is his last hurrah, so the retirement seed has been planted, so I might as well help him on his way.
“I will stick it on him and he will crawl into his shell and run a mile, then after the fight there will be no hard feelings. Most of the time, it’s nothing personal, although some of his people have been, but this is a big chance for me and I won’t let it pass me by. Nigel Benn and Michael Watson fought for this title, which shows the magnitude of the belt and I’m not letting it go.”
The clash will be televised on Free Sports TV, a new channel and Sheedy is grateful for another chance to demonstrate his skillset, as he can’t understand why he isn’t on more televised bills in the first place.
He also hit out at some fighters in this country, who he claims take the easy fights and refuse to test themselves, taking the easiest route possible. He vows to test himself further, when he gets past Cameron, by setting his sights on the European title.
“Speedy” was also quick to add the influence that highly respected trainer Glyn Rhodes has had on his career, stating that his long term mentor always provides him with that extra push on fight night and will guide him to reach all his goals.
“I’m so happy this is being televised, although I can’t work out why I’m not getting shown anywhere before this fight. I’m not bitter about it, it’s just the way it is, so I get on with it, with a smile on my face. I’ve only lost two split decisions, so some people will say I’m as good as undefeated, but I can look at myself and be proud, televised fights or not.
“I look at some fighters and I question how they sleep at night. They pick up these international or masters belts, which have no credibility and are handed opportunity after opportunity. My last opponent was no mug and no one wanted to fight him and after I can see why, as he’s the hardest puncher I’ve ever faced.
“I’m not looking past him, but Liam is a stepping stone. I’m better than him and should beat him, then I will sit down with Glyn and we can hopefully go after the European, once I’ve had a short break with my family. Glyn knows everything about boxing, so he will guide me right.
“He’s like my dad and we are incredibly close. I’ve been with him since I was 11 and although we argue everyday, we get on with it and that’s just how we are. It gives me an extra edge and I know that together we will achieve everything that I want to, starting with sending Cameron into retirement.”