SOME say getting hit with a body shot is worse than being hit with a headshot. So I’m going to show you how to land the perfect hook to the body.
I stopped plenty of my opponents with this shot, or hurt them enough to lead the stoppage. I also remember a few times being blasted by a hook to the body. One of the times I was sparring with a kid named Hosea Burton at Joe Gallagher’s gym. I say kid because at the time he was around 17 years old, I was fresh from the Olympics training for my pro debut. Whenever I sparred with people who didnโt have the experience I had I would always be taking it easy, never trying to hit hard and just moving around. And this is exactly what I was doing with this lanky youngster who I didn’t know much about. When we were inside, I was relaxed and he whacked me with a solid, perfect left hook, right under the ribs. This was the last thing I expected from him. It took all the air out of my body. I couldn’t breathe for about 10 seconds, I wanted to stop but with me being experienced, I played my poker face and carried on. I don’t think he realized at the time just how much it hurt but it was horrible to the point that I can still remember it now, 11 years later. It’s great too to see Hosea now develop into a high-level fighter, winning the British title.
Please check out the video below and let me know if you have any questions: