I used to love throwing the left hook to the body and I used to stop a lot of my opponents with this shot, but every now and then I would spar with someone who had this counter locked down.
The two fighters who come to mind are Jamie Moore and Matthew Macklin. Ironically enough, these boys fought each other and had one of the best fights in British boxing history.
When I threw that hook to the body, these boys were so fast to catch it and counter both ways – countering with the left or right.
When someone does this it really makes you think twice about throwing the shot. I learned a lot by sparring with these boys who were both British and European champions in their careers.
On this video I give you two options of countering body shots and Iโm going to be doing more educational stuff like this so please subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow our educational page on Instagram @BoxNBurnAcademy and if you want to learn how to teach boxing take our online certification course at www.boxnburnacademy.com
Here is the video link: