Five secrets to team GB’s success in amateur boxing


IF it was not for these five things GB would not be one of the most feared boxing teams in the world and on the video below I show you an Olympic boxing drill that’s is part of the reason why we are the best. 

But before you watch the video I just want to tell you the five secrets to GB’s boxing success. 

  1. They train and live with champions.
  2. They have the best coaches in the country.
  3. They have the best support team that money can buy.
  4. They have the best training facilities in the UK.
  5. They are funded. 

Now let’s break that down for you. 

  1. They live with other champions, the England and GB Boxing teams are only national champions and runners up, so this is who they all live with, train and spar with. I know it’s common sense but the better people around you the better you become. 
  2. They hire the top qualified coaches in the country and pay them! With the coaches being funded they don’t have to worry about their 9-5 jobs like 99% of other amateur boxing trainers so this means they can give 100% to their fighters. The trainers give the fighters the best workouts and drills and this is why the fighters always get better. 
  3. They have a world class team of physios, doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, strength and conditioning coaches, masseuses. Everything they need is right there. 
  4. The EIS centre in Sheffield is the best boxing gym I have ever been to, and believe me I’ve been to hundreds of boxing gyms. It has everything they need and I mean everything. 
  5. The fighters get funded, so they don’t have to worry about working, just like the coaches they can give 100% to their training, preparation and craft.

Now all of this combined together with a few other details is why we are one of the best. Here are Olympic boxing drills that you should try to get better at boxing:

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