Darren Barker reveals therapy sessions after his brother’s passing

Darren Barker

FORMER IBF middleweight champion Darren Barker โ€“ who won the crown from Daniel Geale in memorable fashion โ€“ has written his autobiography, along with sports writer Ian Ridley. A Dazzling Darkness is out now and we interviewed the ex-fighter about that, the tragic loss of his brother Gary and much more.

What kind of things do you reveal that people wonโ€™t know?
Thereโ€™s a lot about the Felix Sturm fight [l rsf 2 โ€“ December 2013, his final outing], no excuses, but a lot to get off my chest. What Iโ€™ve been doing from then up until now. And Iโ€™m not proud of everything but I donโ€™t think people knew how bad Garyโ€™s loss was to me, it was a real dark period and Iโ€™m the sort of person who keeps a lot of things bottled up. I saw Bruce [his therapist] twice a week for two-three years and they were quite intense sessions. A lot of fans wouldnโ€™t associate a boxer doing that. Bruce is always here for me now, so heโ€™s not out of the picture.

For the rest of this revealing interview โ€“ including what Barker views as his career highlight and what he’s up to now โ€“ download the new Boxing News magazine

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