Boxing News Statement Regarding Recent Conor Benn Article

On 24 September 2023, an article about Conor Benn’s fight against Rodolfo Orozco suggested (among other things) that Conor Benn was no longer licensed to fight in the UK due to anti-doping proceedings, that during the anti-doping proceedings brought against him by UKAD he presented scientific evidence which UKAD rejected, and that Conor Benn is misleading the public when he states he has been cleared of doping.

We are happy to make clear that Conor Benn was cleared of doping by the WBC Board of Governors who heard significant scientific evidence from him during the substantive proceedings before the WBC Results Management Unit, that Benn’s decision not to renew his boxing licence in the UK is unrelated to any anti-doping proceedings and allegations, and that UKAD has never heard or rejected scientific evidence from Conor Benn. Conor Benn wishes to clarify that he and his representatives have previously offered to meet with UKAD to present his scientific evidence, but that UKAD has declined such a meeting. Boxing News retracts the defamatory and inaccurate statements made in the article and apologises to Conor Benn for the distress caused.

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