Best full body workout routine – The Goff’s Workout of the Week

Best full body workout routine

THE Goff refuses to do things by halves. It’s just the way he is. Go hard or go home, no stone unturned. That is why he has created the best full body workout routine around and a brutal one that covers all the major muscle groups, helping enhance the key S&C qualities, including speed, strength and power. This can be used between training camps and at any time in training until two weeks before a fight. It should be completed at least twice a week and packs all the fundamentals of an S&C programme into one session. There is even a hardcore Tabata exercise at the end. Tabata forces the athlete to work for twice as long as their rest time, enabling you to work harder with less recovery.

NB: Super-sets are when you complete all the reps of two separate exercises before resting. A tri-set is when you complete all the reps of three exercises before resting. A circuit is when you do the listed exercises in order until the allotted rep time has elapsed before resting. For the first circuit, the load used should be around 60-70 per cent of bodyweight.

FOLLOW THE GOFF: @cameron_gfgb (Twitter/Instagram) and get all his workouts here

1) Barbell complex circuit: 5 sets, 5 reps per exercise, 90-seconds’ rest
1a) Press-ups

1b) Deadlifts
1c) Hang cleans
1d) Push presses
1e) Back squats

Press-ups: Place your wrists down onto the bar in line with your shoulders and grip the bar. Keep your feet together, elbows in and core tight. Lower your chest until it hits the bar, then push back up to the starting position.

Deadlifts: Sit into a quarter-squat position, with the bar tight to your shins and your arms fully extended on the outside of your knees gripping the barbell. Keep your head up, chest high and back straight. Lift the bar to a standing position.

Cleans: The bar should start in line with the top of the knee, your hips forced out and behind, back straight and arms fully extended, holding the bar. Pull the bar towards your hips from the top of the knee whilst driving your hips forward and ‘through’ the bar. Then perform a big triple extension from toe, ankle and knee to force the bar to a ‘catch’ position (wrists bent back under the bar) at the front of your shoulders and fall into a quarter-squat position while keeping your elbows high. Once the bar has been ‘caught’ in this position, stand up fully and drop the bar to the floor.

Presses: Start with the bar in the rack while you adopt a quarter-squat position. Get your body under the bar, and get a grip of the bar at shoulder-height – wrists bent back under the bar – while keeping your elbows high. Quarter-squat the barbell of the rack and take a step back. Now dip your legs slightly as if you are falling back into a quarter-squat position and then drive the bar above your head to full extension.

Back squats: Line the bar up on the top of your back (not your neck) and, once comfortable, grip the bar with your hands, at a little wider than shoulder-width. Sit down into a squat position whilst maintaining good posture (knees outwards, back straight, chest high), then push back up to a standing position from the heels, maintaining a soft bend in the knees.

2) Three-exercise circuit: 4 sets, 30-seconds per exercise, 60 seconds’ rest
2a) Box jumps

2b) Medicine ball slams
2c) Sled drags – 20 per cent bodyweight load

Jumps: Build a box around knee-height or a bit higher. Sit into a quarter-squat position then start to drive up from your heels, leaving the ground and landing on the box. Once completed, fully stand up onto the box.

Slams: The medicine ball starts on the floor, in between your legs. Sit into a squat position with your hands fully extended inside your legs, grabbing the ball. Stand upright with the medicine ball and extend it over your head. Fully extend onto your toes with your arms fully extended above your head and slam the ball into the floor.

Drags: Grab your sled handles and keep your arms fully extended. Sit back into a quarter-squat position and keep your core real tight. Move the sled using your legs and start back-tracking whilst keeping your arms fully extended and back straight.

3) Cardiac output circuit: 3 sets, reps listed below, 60-90 seconds’ rest
* Aim to keep your heart-rate between 130-150bpm, using a monitor to check.
3a) Chin-ups x 6
3b) Press-ups x 10
3c) Hurdle jump circuits x 3 (8-10 hurdles each time)
3d) Battle-rope slams x 2
3e) Medicine ball Russian twists x 20 (10 each side, alternating)

Chin-ups: Use an underhand grip on the chin-up bar. Fully extend your arms and start lifting your body to the bar. Keep you legs straight and fully extended, no swinging. Pull with your arms and back and get your chin over the bar.

Press-ups: Face the floor, keep your hands shoulder-width apart touching the floor, your wrists directly underneath your shoulders, elbows in tight to your body, back and legs in a straight line behind you. Allow your chest to move down towards the floor whilst maintaining a good posture and keep your elbows tight to your body. Your chest should hit the floor before anything else, then push back up to the starting position.

Jumps: Perform small bounding jumps over the hurdles, spending as little time on the ground as possible. Think of the ground as a spring.

Slams: Sit into a quarter-squat position and grab your ropes. Now start to lift the ropes to head-height and slam them into the ground. Try not to pull the ropes, you’re trying to slam them into the ground.

Twists: Sitting down, grip the ball into your chest-height with both hands. Have a slight lean back and raise your legs off the floor six inches. Once set, start to rotate your body and touch thew ball down on one side first then bring it back to the middle and repeat on the other side.

4) Core activation super-set: 2 super-sets, reps listed below 60 seconds’ rest
4a) Low planks x 45-60seconds
4b) Flutter kicks x 30-45seconds

Planks: Face down towards the floor, place your forearms on the floor, with your elbows directly underneath your shoulders. Stretch your body out in a straight line behind you, with your feet together, and hold a plank position, with your hips tight and still, and your back in a straight line.

Flutter kicks: Lie on your back, and bring your shoulders slightly of the floor so you can feel tension on your abdominals. Keep your legs straight and no higher than six inches off the floor. Now slowly kick your legs up and down and point your toes out. Remember to keep your legs straight and do not bend at the knee.

5) Tabata burpees: 6 sets, 20 seconds’ work, 10 seconds’ rest (three minutes total)

Lie flat on the floor, chest down. Perform a press-up, then jump your legs forward so your knees go into your stomach. Then start to jump up towards the sky using your legs with your feet leaving the ground.

FOLLOW THE GOFF: @cameron_gfgb (Twitter/Instagram) and get all his workouts here

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