60 second interview: Lee Clayton

Lee Clayton

When and why you started boxing:
I’d always been a big fan of the sport, but I didn’t lace the gloves up until I was 21 years old. I just wanted to improve my fitness, but then I got hooked.

Favourite all-time fighter:
Pernell Whitaker is my favourite fighter ever.

Best fight you’ve seen:
Diego Corrales-Jose Luis Castillo I. That 10th round is one you could never get bored of watching!

Personal career highlight:
When I outpointed Edward Bjorklund over eight rounds [in February 2018] at the Village Hotel in Bury. I couldn’t have asked for a better venue than my full-time workplace.

Toughest opponent:
Craig Derbyshire [l rsf 5 – September 2018], who I fought for the Central Area bantamweight title. He’s massively underrated and hits like a mule.

Best and worst attributes as a boxer:
My best attributes are my fitness and awkward southpaw style. My worst is that I like a scrap and can get dragged into a war.

Training tip:
Don’t overtrain! This is some advice that I should listen to!

Favourite meal/restaurant:
It’d have to be a Domino’s Pizza.

Best friends in boxing:
All of the lads at The People’s Gym in Heywood. We’re like a family there.

Other sportsman you would like to be:
No one in particular. I’d just like to play football for Manchester City.

Last film/TV show you saw:
I’m into watching [TV series] Power with the wife at the minute.

Who would play you in a film of your life:
That’s a tough one! It’d have to be someone good like Mark Wahlberg.

Have you ever been starstruck:
I can’t say that I’ve ever been starstruck. Meeting Sugar Ray Leonard and Evander Holyfield at work was a good experience, though.

Last time you cried:
When my daughter was born.

Best advice received:
Always back yourself, even when no one else does!

Worst rumour about yourself:
I can’t think of any. The lads usually just give me stick to my face!

Something not many people know about you:
Back when I was about 17 or 18, I used to weigh over 14 stone.

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